- 2017/6/21 - 世界生物质能协会:生物能源将继续是全球最大的可再生能源
- 2017/6/16 - 分析2017年上半年全球生物燃料行业
- 2017/6/15 - Canadian federal government announce $2 billion for move to low-carbon economy
- 2017/6//13 - Cellulosic fuels hits $4.33/gallon in California market
- 2017/6/13 - Bioplastic packaging market growing rapidly: Hexa Research
- 2017/6/13 - 关于印发《林业产业发展“十三五”规划》的通知
- 2017/6/13 - 生物柴油的8大误解
- 2017/6/12 - 国务院办公厅关于加快推进畜禽养殖废弃物资源化利用的意见
- 2017/6/12 - Understanding wood pellet quality certifications
- 2017/6/9 - Canada should build up its biochemical valley
- 2017/6/7 - FPInnovations applauds federal support for bioeconomy
- 2017/6/2 - Pulling out of Paris: The effect on the U.S. wood pellet industry
- 2017/5/29 - Canadian bioeconomy proponents welcome the federal government's Innovation Superclusters Initiative
- 2017/5/29 - Federal carbon tax: What it means for Canadian businesses
- 2017/5/27 - Wood Pellet Association of Canada (WPAC) promotes Canadian wood pellets in Japan
- 2017/5/25 - Dalhousie University plans to revamp biomass energy system
- 2017/5/25 - 济南商河经济开发区两年半投入1500余万元发展生物质能
- 2017/5/24 - Bio-based solutions for a low-carbon economy in Canada
- 2017/5/24 - 广西宜州80MW生物质发电项目开建
- 2017/5/11 - White paper analyses industrial wood pellets and South Korean utilities
- 2017/5/10 - 武汉首个生物物质循环利用项目启动
- 2017/5/9 - Island Lake Biomass Harvest Experiment in Canada yields compelling early results
- 2017/5/8 - 关于印发《山东省新能源和可再生能源中长期发展规划(2016-2030年)》的通知
- 2017/5/4 - BC based Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc. building 475K-tonne pellet plant in Entwistle
- 2017/5/1 - Siemens Canada signs MOU to advance cleantech in Canada
- 2017/5/1 - Sawmills in Quebec and Ontario generating oversupply of wood chips
- 2017/5/1 - Guelph project aims to turn wastewater treatment facilities into revenue generators
- 2017/4/24 - Air Canada taking part in jet biofuel research
- 2017/4/24 - US Biomass Thermal Energy Council (BTEC) publishes new Community Biomass Handbook
- 2017/4/21 - Alberta’s Clean Tech Sector is ready for liftoff
- 2017/4/20 - 东北地区启动秸秆处理行动 确保到2020年综合利用率达80%以上
- 2017/4/19 - BC issues Enerkem ethanol lowest carbon intensity value ever
- 2017/4/18 - 分析美国木屑颗粒、燃料乙醇和生物柴油出口
- 2017/4/17 - Yukon First Nation gets funds to install biomass boilers
- 2017/4/17 - Northern Biomass Consulting to build new biochar plant
- 2017/4/13 - 西安到2020年将形成生物质综合利用格局
- 2017/4/11 - Enerkem biofuels facility meets operational milestones
- 2017/4/10 - 安徽省人民政府关于大力发展以农作物秸秆资源利用为基础的现代环保产业的实施意见
- 2017/4/10 - 河北省发改委关于做好“十三五”生物质发电项目建设实施计划的通知
- 2017/4/3 - Hamilton biosolids project to begin construction this summer
- 2017/3/27 - Premium Pellet adds to Sustainable Biomass Program (SBP) certifications
- 2017/3/22 - Promoting Canada's wood pellets in Europe
- 2017/3/21 - EU debates phase out of palm oil in biofuels
- 2017/3/21 - Micro-CHP will change premium pellet market: white paper
- 2017/3/21 - Forge Hydrocarbons to build biodiesel plant in Sombra, Ontario
- 2017/3/20 - Algae biofuel market to grow 8.8 per cent by 2025
- 2017/3/16 - NASA study confirms biofuels reduce jet engine pollution
- 2017/3/15 - G4 Insights receives federal funds for RNG production
- 2017/3/14 - Federal government pledges $20 million to scale up clean tech
- 2017/3/14 - Canada, U.S. pellets using more residues, byproducts
- 2017/3/2 - 2017年中国重点推进生物天然气产业化示范
- 2017/2/28 - 未来4年中国将投资500亿在农村建沼气
- 2017/2/27 - 生物质发电的优点和中国将要面临的问题
- 2017/2/24 - Quebec torrefaction plant becomes fully operational
- 2017/2/22 - Dubai company creates biofuel from dairy waste
- 2017/2/21 - Wood Pellet Association of Canada (WPAC) updates on spot prices and Canadian exports
- 2017/2/17 - The Newfoundland and Labrador government signs agreement on biofuel plant
- 2017/2/16 - 东北将在3-5年内对玉米秸秆实施综合利用
- 2017/2/13 - 国家发展改革委农业部关于印发《全国农村沼气发展“十三五”规划》的通知
- 2017/2/9 - 中电斥亿元在香港建堆填沼气发电机
- 2017/2/3 - Ontario First Nation looks to produce wood pellets
- 2017/2/1 - Company in Laval Qeubec poised to scale up biochar technology
- 2017/2/1 - Canadian Biomass Editorial: A reason for optimism in 2017
- 2017/2/1 - Ontario is blessed with biomass: Ontario Power Generation
- 2017/1/31 - Biosolids project planned for Hamilton, Ontario
- 2017/1/26 - Study finds Nova Scotia ideal for biofuel sector
- 2017/1/24 - Wood Pellet Association of Canada outlines 2017 prospects for pellet producers
- 2017/1/23 - Ontario wildlife reserve plans for biochar facility
- 2017/1/13 - White paper by Ecostrat outlines supply chain analytics
- 2017/1/12 - U.S. Department of Energy publishes first waste-to-biofuels assessment
- 2017/1/5 - 生物柴油的需求仍是棕榈油走向的关键
- 2017/1/5 - Global pellet market outlook in 2017
- 2017/1/3 - Forest biomass unfeasible for rural use: Canadian study
- 2017/1/2 - Alberta and Ontario launch carbon schemes
- 2016/12/27 - 分析生物质能分布式利用发展趋势
- 2016/12/26 - 生物柴油能否借势十三五再次起航?
- 2016/12/20 - 分析2017年沼气发电市场前景
- 2016/12/20 - U.K. pellet imports fall after record high
- 2016/12/15 - U.S. EIA releases stats on wood pellet production
- 2016/12/14 - Denmark's largest power station converts to wood pellets
- 2016/12/14 - 一张图读懂生物质能发展“十三五”规划
- 2016/12/14 - 陕西第一家生物质电厂正式并网发电
- 2016/12/9 - Biomass North (Canada) gets funds for bioeconomy strategy
- 2016/12/9 - Canadian Premiers dissagree on national carbon price
- 2016/12/8 - New Brunswick plans for coal phase out
- 2016/12/7 - 关于印发编制“十三五”秸秆综合利用实施方案的指导意见的通知
- 2016/12/6 - 2020年我国力争秸秆综合利用率达85%以上
- 2016/12/5 - China aims to double ethanol output to 4M tonnes by 2020
- 2016/12/5 - 国家能源局关于印发《生物质能发展“十三五”规划》的通知
- 2016/12/5 - 盘点2016年12月份全国拟在建生物质能项目
- 2016/11/30 - UBC research uses biochar to remove heavy metals in wastewater
- 2016/11/30 - 生物质成型燃料工业化标准体系或可破局
- 2016/11/29 - Vancouver depending on emerging biofuel technologies in green policy approved by council
- 2016/11/29 - 分析我国生物质发电现状及发展前景
- 2016/11/28 - 安徽发展燃料乙醇 带动玉米深加工
- 2016/11/25 - Canada’s involvement in the development of solid biofuels standards
- 2016/11/25 - Government of Canada to work with provinces, territories, and stakeholders to develop a clean fuel standard
- 2016/11/23 - U.S. Boosts Refiners’ 2017 Biofuel Quotas to Record Levels
- 2016/11/23 - 亚洲:木屑颗粒生产商及市场概况
- 2016/11/22 - 发展生物质能源将成为中国产业政策的重点支持方向
- 2016/11/21 - Canadian federal government announced to phase out coal-fired electricity by 2030
- 2016/11/18 - Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) publishes Solid Biofuels Bulletins
- 2016/11/17 - 火点数降八成 吉林省为4000万吨秸秆找到出路
- 2016/11/16 - Company field-tests biochar equipment in Alberta
- 2016/11/15 - 中石化将限期接纳生物柴油
- 2016/11/15 - 2016 Scaling Up Conference in Ottawa focused on setting the stage for growing a successful bioeconomy in Canada
- 2016/11/9 - Vancouver plans to build sewage biofuel plant
- 2016/11/7 - Canada developing biomass quality standards
- 2016/10/27 - 欧洲生物质协会发布2016生物能源统计报告
- 2016/10/27 - Canadian National Energy Board (NEB) updates long-term energy outlook
- 2016/10/25 - Ontario biomass power plant ran continuously
- 2016/10/25 - 中科院发布报告: 2015年中国生物柴油产量超30万吨
- 2016//10/25 - “十三五” 生物质能发展将提速
- 2016/6/28 - 中国生物质发电行业研究报告