On Nov 7th 2016, C-CJCBERI received a delegation led by the president of South University of Science and Technology of China (SUSTech), Dr. Shiyi Chen. The delegation visited UBC to meet with UBC president Dr. Santa J. Ono to sign a Memorandum of Understanding. The MOU is between the Faculty of Applied Science of UBC and the College of Engineering of SUSTech for funding support and research exchanges. SUSTech will select and fund outstanding PhD candidates in engineering field to pursue PhD degrees at UBC. These students will be jointly supervised by professors from UBC and SUSTech. There will be 10 students being supported as the first cohort of this funding next year.

Before the MOU signing ceremony with President Ono, the delegation visited C-CJCBERI and Dr. Xiaotao Bi held a meeting for the delegation to introduce SUSTech to some UBC professors. Dr. Bi also introduced C-CJCBERI and UBC Faculty of Applied Science to the delegation and led them to a campus tour.

In the afternoon, the delegation also with the Dean and Associate Deans of UBC Applied Science discussing about further collaboration opportunities between the two universities.

The members of the delegation include: Dr. Shiyi Chen, President; Dr. Tao Tang, Vice President Research; Dr. Yifan Chen, Head of the Department Electric and Electronic Engineering; Hua Gu, Global Engagement Specialist.

Here is a slides presentation introducing SUSTech.